Friday, 24 September 2010

Media Terms

Juxta-position/Juxtapose- Placing one thing next to another.

Conventions- The characteristic/features/aspects that make up and contribute to a certain genre, example- fast editing, action genre. Key features that we expect as an audience. An accepted way of doing something.

Signifier- Signs, elements, characteristics that make up certain genres.

Representation- How something is shown and presented.

Stereotypes- Pre-judgement or assumption based on a person or a group of people, stereotypical view of the elderly would be that they are frail and can’t do all that much.

Connotation- The secondary meaning of something- Red-Danger, Love, Heat –what you associate with something.

De-notation- The primary meaning, what it actually is – The dog-is a pack animal. Put it into the simplest terms

Ideology- A belief or a system of values practiced throughout society.

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