Before we began making the preliminary task, we planned what we were going to make, by creating mind maps of ideas we could use, shot lists and a story board planning out which shot went where and all of the key details within the scene, like the transitions between shots and the angle and type of shot that would be used. I found this story board very helpful when carrying out the task as it was helpful to have a plan, a main frame from which each shot can be started from even if the shot was not exactly the same, each shot plan was a good starting point and because of this it was easy to keep the scene in the order that it should be so that it flowed properly throughout.
When making the scene, I found keeping the camera still when shooting quite difficult, and I also found the zooms hard to keep at a steady rate, as they either went very fast or not fast enough and I think that I could improve on this for the next task.
I also found the placement of the camera quite difficult, working out where the camera could be placed for the best shot, were it should be placed to keep to the 180 degree rule and also where it had to be placed to make sure that the continuity through the scene was right.
When editing the scene, I found making each of the shots join together in the right way so that it flowed properly a lot more difficult than I expected it to be, if I were to do this exercise again I would make sure that I had more versions of the shot, and also I would make sure that I leave more time before and after a shot to cut and edit if necessary. During the editing I also found it hard to find the right transition and sound for each shot and section of the scene, although I found it helpful to try them all and find the one that suited the most, but from this I have a better idea of what the better transitions are to use for certain shots, for example fade to black for fast moving, dramatic shots works well and from doing this I also have a better idea of what sound effects work well for the thriller genre compared to others.
I enjoyed this task, and making the scene, and I have learnt alot about how to use the camera for the best shots and effect, that will help me alot in the next task.
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